Diet Favorite

A diet with an unusual name "Favorite" with each passing day is gaining its popularity among those who are trying to lose weight. This can be attributed to the very rapid and radical methods of weight loss. On a diet you can lose excess extra pounds forever and without debilitating hunger once and for all.



The name of the diet is due to the fact that she is loved by all for the results in the shortest time possible and without harm to health. This is not an exhaustive fasting, or not tasty, but useful food. On the contrary, your daily diet will consist of a variety of products. With their help, you will be able to lose 7-10 kg in one week. The essence lies in the daily mono-diet after 5, 7, 10 or 14 days. For example, one-day-only vegetable, the second – the egg white, the third is based on the consumption of fruit and so on, Simple but at the same time, strict diet requires a clear consensus and consistency – this is the main key to success. Cleansing the body before dieting helps to protect the body from intoxication and to prevent nausea.

Principles of diet favorite:

  • It is forbidden to skip diet days, or change their places.
  • Re dieting is not recommended before a year.
  • The lack of restrictions on the portions and the consumption of food.
  • A few days before the diet is worth it to give up drinking the sugary, starchy foods and fat.
  • In the presence of congestion costs to streamline the work of the intestines.

Before you go on a diet, take a few tips to note:

  1. It's not worth it to supplement the diet with exercise. Training will due nothing and only takes power and creates a feeling of Jora. Remember that any physical load on the organism is possible only when full of nutrition.
  2. Purified water should be in your diet every day, it is great to drown out the feeling of rising hunger and cleanse the body as a whole. But it's not worth it to replace the water dish. Wash down the food is not worth it, will it have a negative effect on the concentration of gastric juice. A better glass to drink a half hour before meals and half an hour after its consumption.

The pros and cons

Like any diet, favorite has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • rapid weight loss 7 to 10 kg for one week;
  • the amount of food can be anything;
  • short course;
  • cleansing the colon from harmful substances.

Of the drawbacks:

  • do diet regular cannot be, it would be irreparable damage to health;
  • in this process can exacerbate some chronic diseases;
  • there is a probability of increase in blood pressure;
  • the diet consists of a small amount of macro - and trace elements, therefore it is right after the completion of the course requires more of their app.


  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney failure, gastritis;
  • pathology of the heart;
  • increased pressure;
  • tend to mental changes;
  • reflects a slow metabolism.

Recommended products

group products

Ensure diet – low-calorie food. Therefore, the daily dose should not exceed 1000 kcal. Drinking days of the diet may be accompanied by drinking only purified water. Consider the following list of products:

  • drinking yoghurt (see what yogurt is best suitable for weight loss);
  • broths;
  • kefir and milk low-fat ice cream;
  • compote;
  • fruit and vegetable juices.

During the diet days forbidden to consume sweetened artificially carbonated liquids, alcohol, sugar and salt. In the vegetable days you can include all the vegetables according to taste, but the strongest will be cabbage. That is able to speed up the metabolism and help burn fat cells. As a salad filling it is better to use vegetable oil. Its recommended to consume a teaspoon every day no matter the menu, so how this oil contributes to the replacement of fatty acids in the body. From mayonnaise or sour cream is necessary to refuse. Vegetables can be in cheese, boiled and baked form.

Varieties of menu favorite diet

Period, which can last diet, you're setting yourself. It can take anywhere from 5-to 14-days. The standard course is 7 days, but not all achieve the desired results, it is therefore forced to continue losing weight even for a few days. Properly to appreciate his powers, and carefully read the menu to the desired time. Your daily diet should of vegetables, drinking, fruits and combined days. Their order will depend on timing, for which you want to lose weight. Consider the food in detail.


The addition of purified water you need to eat in a given day in an amount of not less than 2-x liters, allowed and other fluids. These include dairy products, broths, tea (not sweet), kefir 1%, milk and freshly squeezed juice. With the latest abuse is not necessary, because 150 ml of the drink may contain a small amount of calories. Concentrated juice is better to dilute with water in the ratio 50 on 50. Consumption of salt is in this period prohibited, this has a negative impact on renal function. For the first day you will be able to break free of a few pounds of excess weight, so it's water from the body. In this day it is better to free yourself from work, because it cannot be excluded, weakness in the body, slight dizziness and nausea. All of the above symptoms may not haunt you. Such a reaction of the organism is explained by the lack of protein.


The vegetables in this period you can have in any form and quantity, with the exception of the baked on oil. Consume food is better every couple of hours to 300 kcal., that prevent the emergence of hunger, and ensure complete nutrition. As a salad topping you can use yogurt, lemon juice, soy sauce (highest degree), or olive oil.


Almost any fruit and berries, on that you are missing an allergy, you can eat in any quantity, but do not overeat, otherwise there may be problems with a chair. Banana, peach, grape, mango and avocado – under the ban. It is strongly advised not to eat grapefruit, which promote the burning of fat cells. During the day you can consume the order of 3 kg of fruit, and drink water in any scale.


protein group

Throughout the day you will saturate the body with protein, the source of which is chicken breast, seafood, eggs and cottage cheese and yogurt. But there is no need to deceive ourselves. Dose should not be higher than 350 kcal.


In these day it is permitted to eat hard-boiled eggs, fruit, vegetable broths, fish and dairy products. But small portions. In the morning you can drink unsweetened tea and breakfast an egg, lunch cook with low-fat soup, as well as snacks to use apples or carrots, dinner boiled fish. Salt is recommended to add small portions. In order not to interrupt the excretion of fluids from the body.

Diet for 5 days

Less than a week's body, than to be cleansed from impurities, and weight loss can reach 6-8 units Circuit for 5 days will look like this:

  • On the water.
  • In combination: in the diet are allowed vegetables and fruits.
  • The food rich in protein.
  • Drinks (varied).
  • Vegetable.

All kinds of sausages, canned food and pastries at the end of the term of office of the five days it is prohibited to consume 3 subsequent days.

Diet for 7 days

The weekly menu is simple for the body and effective. Weekly diet has the following form:

  • Drinking (in addition to the fluid, can eat broths, puddings, soups).
  • On vegetables.
  • Drink.
  • The fruit (exclude bananas).
  • Drink (drink only water and kefir).
  • Protein (not more than 300 g per 1 food).
  • Comprehensive (combine fruits, vegetables, and protein foods).

How to get the maximum effect from the diet on 7 days and what diet it is worth it to stick to watching the performance video:

Diet for 10 days

For 10 days the food should be structure as follows:

  • 1-3 day – water and the buttermilk to 1%.
  • 4-6 day – fruit, especially apples.
  • 7-9 day – protein in the form of boiled chicken meat and eggs.
  • 10 day – dry wine (natural, preferably homemade) and the cheese solid varieties (with the least fat).

The diet for 12 days

Almost two weeks are divided into 4 phases:

  1. The first three are allowed to eat only kefir any grease and water that you can drink in any quantity.
  2. The following three days – fruit. Water, fruit juice without pulp, and unsweetened tea – without restrictions.
  3. From 7 to 9 day allowed to eat protein foods in reasonable quantities (one serving approximately 300 kcal). Of liquids only still water.
  4. In the last few days is recommended to pomegranate, grape juice, dry red wine and slices of cheese.

Diet for 14 days

Menu diet for 14 days almost copies the weekly variant and has the following form:

The first day. Drink (any fluid, except alcohol).

The next day. Vegetable (all vegetables steamed or boiled form).

On the third day. Drinking: completely superfluous day no 1. Recommendation is still the same: water in an amount of not less than 2 liters per day, natural juices, broths, and dairy products low in calories.


On the fourth day. On fruit.

On the fifth day. Drink. In this day to pamper yourself a large amount of liquid. Diet is identical with the first and third day.

On the sixth day. Egg white.

On the seventh day. Comprehensive.

The following seven days with the repetitive menu of the first week.

Favorite strict diet

If you want to achieve maximum effect, you can use the strict variant of the popular supplement, which is the following:

Day No. 1 – Drink. We're trying to release the body of excess food. We drink only water.

Day №2 – A Vegetable. Drinking is allowed only one type of vegetable. For example, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage (various kinds).

Day Number 3 – Drink. We try to consume foods in liquid form: kefir 1%, broth, water.

Day Number 4 – Fruity. The Menu on this day will consist only of one kind of fruit. For example, apples or plums, but not more than 1 units

Day 5 – Choose from the list of proteins have to something one. It can be cooked breasts, cottage cheese or fish.

Day number 6 – On the water.

Day №7 – Comprehensive: it is possible to various kinds of fruit, vegetables, fish and dairy products.

The correct output

Gradual ensures the anchoring of the obtained effect. So the transition should be done smoothly, which eliminates the uncontrolled eating of food in large quantities. As snacks are permissible fruit. Porridge menu will only be a plus. To avoid gaining the lost kilos again, it is recommended to consume food on the seventh day after a whole week, after the end of the diet. Every other day, it is necessary to introduce one new ingredient in your menu. Monitor calorie foods, the daily diet still should not exceed 1000 kcal. Once a week is for the day, which will be for you to unloading. Now you know how to say goodbye to excess weight once and for all without harm to health. But remember that any diet – it's a shock for the body, to which it cannot be treated dismissively. Take into account all the recommendations and part of the excess extra pounds in a joy.